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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  February 1, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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just happy with a refund. >> there's going to be a lot of upset fans. hopefully they'll find way to enjoy the atmosphere if anything. >> thank you so much. appreciate that. we have so much more straight ahead, and it all starts right now. some 100 million people in the path of a huge winter storm. it's bearing down on parts of the midwest right now and heading east. 18 states will be under some winter storm watch, warning or advisory. more than 2,000 flights have been cancelled, mostly in chicago. if you're heading out to a super bowl party this evening, the weather could be even worse on the way home if you're anywhere in that region. we've got full coverage for you.
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sarah is at la guardia airport in new york where the snow is on the way. martin is there. >> reporter: welcome to my hometown where we have about four or five inches of snow on the ground. it looks beautiful right now. sunday downtown typically quiet. super bowl sunday is just about a ghost town down here which is good for the snow crews as they can clear the streets. the streets are snow covered. the highways are probably slushy. there are concerns on the turnpike. certain vehicles not allowed to travel because of the winter weather warner. anticipating maybe 9". nothing they cannot handle for cleveland. to the west western parts of ohio they could get a fit or
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more. there's concerns with the wind that will begin to blow they will get drifting. there's a level 3,000 emergency in lucas county. blizzard like conditions anticipated there. this is supposed to be the peak of the weather from this afternoon through early tomorrow morning. not snowing right now. temperature right around 31. very critical heavy wet snow. also when you can get your heaviest amounts of snow. temperature will be going down. by midday they are hoping it all over. they expect to do fairly well here. >> that is some good news. thank you so much. all right let's go to ryan young in chicago. our new kid on the block. welcome again, ryan. welcome to your new home of chicago. >> reporter: this is a great way to get welcomed in here. especially someone who has never seen this much snow before. i know you have. it's been coming down all day
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long. we've been in since about 3:45. we have learned some additional information. more than 15,000 people are without power and the temperature is dropping. you can know those people need critical in terms of how cold it's starting to get. the big story is the roadway. more than 350 salt spreaders and snow trucks have been out there on the streets to make sure this is all clear. they're saying school will happen tomorrow. they also believe everyone will go to work. we've been talking to folks throughout chicago and they say it's a lot of snow. in fact more snow than all last month. this is a good snow. this city takes it on their shoulders and keep on moving. they are telling people if you can stay home please stay home. we have seen people driving. the side streets have been mostly affected. look at this sidewalk. look all the way back this way. it's like a winter wonder land. we'll continue to follow this throughout the evening. >> very good.
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for a guy who is new to snow i don't know. you look pretty at ease. i think clighicago is a good fit. >> it's not bad. new york city mayor issued this warning to people in that city. >> for anyone leaving super bowl parties, you're going to have to be ready to be careful at this point. you could have some beginning of accumulation snow. you could have slippery driving conditions. very dangerous conditions monday night in new york city in terms of just exposure. we want people to keep their time outside limited tomorrow night. >> because it's going to be very cold tomorrow night. below zero temperatures. tom will tell us about that. in is indianapolis. you can't see it. that's how bad the situation is. conditions are really deteriorating there. it's a white out or at least it's kind of like very wet snow.
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seeing a mix of rain and snow. >> it's interesting. it's not cut and dry. indianapolis columbus pittsburgh goes from snow to a mix to rain and back to snow. >> that's the annoying stuff. >> you don't know what's going to happen. almost four years ago in 2011 chicago picked up just over 21". third time all greatest snowfall. hundreds of people were trapped and stranded. it's good to see the roads are clear. the winds will pick up. we'll have low visibility. all the warnings across the north and that includes new england where areas hit two to three feet. new york is tricky. we'll get there as well. boston you'll stay in the cold. take a look at this little line
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of pink. this is the ice. heaviest snowfall all the falls north of that ice line. north of there it's all snow. chicago all snow. i think detroit you're looking at all snow. this is where it gets interesting for indianapolis. after you go to the rain it comes back as snow. cleveland, the warm air never reaches you. pittsburgh gets into the rain. it will end as a brief period of snow. stays to snow. then we watch new york, which is interesting. a blast of snow overnight. by morning it's a mess with some sleet and freezing rain for a few hours. then in the afternoon you get hit with another batch of snow into the evening. temperatures stay cold. this isn't going to melt. boston on cape cod you go do to rain. snow tote it wills will vary greatly. you'll see the significant snow.
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back behind this you get into the blast with some really cold air. you're going to come pretty close to that. indianapolis hang in there. you've been fluctuating right around 31 32. good news there. to the north. pittsburgh pittsburgh the snow is in the mix now. that means temperature is trying to warm up. the rain will be moving in. you go to rain before it changes to snow overnight. again, stays long from i-80 north ward. these are morning lows from tomorrow morning and tuesday morning.
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bok bobby brown is releasing a statement on his daughter. she was found unresponsive in her home yesterday. what is bobby brown saying? >> reporter: we just received this statement. it's from bobby brown through his attorneys. he says that privacy is requested in this matter. please allow for my family to deal with this matter and give my daughter the love an support she needs at this time. a tragic time for his family.
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it started yesterday at about 10:30 a.m. eastern when bobbi christina's house found her face down. she was not breathing. her heart was not beating. paramedics tried cpr. she's now in a medically induced coma. several things we do not know. why she slipped into that tub and faced down there? how long she was there and how long she'll be in this medically induced coma. investigators say they have not found any drugs or alcohol there in the home at last check. they are calling this a medical incident. again, bobby brown, the father of bobbi kristina asking for love and support for his daughter. he was almost three years ago when his ex-wife was found in a
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bathtub and she was pronounced dead. a very tragic anniversary for his family. >> responding to an echo response. 21-year-old family in the bathtub face down. pd ease enroute. >> you heard them say possible cardiac arrest. we can't confirm that's what happened to her but what police told us is that brown's heart was not beating and she was not breathing when she was found in that bathtub. someone in the house, as you heard, explaining performing cpr on her until an ambulance arrived. she was rushed to a hospital north of atlanta. joining us dr. rodney. good to see you.
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>> aren't they usually used after a head injury? >> they can be used for a number of different traumatic events whether it's brain injury sudden cardiac arrest or in an incident like this where a patient was either hypoxic or asphyiated. >> if we're being tole she was not breathing, heart wads not beating, how does this medically induced coma allow doctors to manipulate what are vital signs for someone? >> well just to step back for a second. the fact she was not breathing and she did not have a pulse or heartbeat makes the prognosis
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much graver. in general if ems were to arrive and the patient had a pulse or abnormal rhythm and able to shock the patient out of that rhythm statistically those patients do much better than patients in this situation. the fact she's in a bathtub brings another element that can be very concerning which is a potential drowning where she gets fluid into her lungs. that's going to be very difficult to deal with the breathing issues if she developed lung injury from that as well as to try to keep her brain profused because of what happened. it would have been much easier if they had a pulse to bring her back from. >> in fact if there was water in tub, if the remains or there
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was water in her lungs, putting her in a medically induced coma does that allow doctors to express water may be in her lungs out. it's just anesthesia like a similar anesthesia for an elective surgery. allow it time to heal and allow decrease in energy metabolism to the brain so that potentially it could heal. i know that she has some swelling in the brain, which is not a great prognostic sign. they're trying to allow the brain to rest and heal. even though the eyes are closed. there's plenty of brain activity
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going on. the free radical formation causes the swelling in the brain as almost a side affect. keep in mind your brain requires blood profusion at every second. five seconds without blood fro profusion and your brain will see a response. that's what makes people pass out. in her situation we don't know
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how long she was passed out. if it's five ten minutes that's a very long time. >> i read this medically induced coma can act like a cooling of the engine helping to reduce any blood flow and pressure. is that about right? >> that's correct. sometimes they do use hypothermia where they cool the patient much lower than normal body temperature. what that does is perhaps allow decrease inflammation and decrease of free radical formation. it's used in certain situations but it's more successful in patients with sudden cardiac arrest or cardiovascular insult. >> can a patient generally come back from this kind of condition return to their normal state prior to this medically induced
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coma? >> i have seen situations that surprise me but every situation is different. in the past few years we had some famous people that have done well and not so well. joan rivers for one versus gabrielle giffords. they were both treated with medically induced coma to allow them to heal. one success story and one that was unsuccessful. she's young but she did not have a pulse and was not breathing. in the next 48 to 72 hours we'll have a prognosis if she will improve. >> everybody wishing her the best. thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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the killing of a second japanese citizen. the beheading of the journalist.
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any refugees is displaced by isis. the jordanian pilot is unknown. unanswered isis. an alleged bomb maker and woman tied to the isis leadership. with me is a former human rights advisor to the united nations. good to see you. you specialize in gender equality in post-arab spring countries. for a long time the thought was women couldn't wield power in groups like isis.latest events like
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what we saw in paris proved us wrong. >> what we're seeing is an increasing recognition of a much broader trend by which women are going to join isis and women are important to the group. >> how do intelligence forces now use that kind of information. perhaps even anticipate the next wave of how women are going to be used? >> intelligence forces now need to be looking at the reasons women are going to join these groups. that involves looking at for example, certain grievances that women have. like men they are often pushed by factors relating to inequality athe next steps involve getting serious and looking at the areas of motivation that bring women to the group and looking closely at
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the roles they play once in those groups. >> you wrote in new york times that these women, many women are brought in to sort of sanitize the image of jihadis. in what way? >> these women are playing a crucial role including through social media. by posting pictures on instagram of thems having milk shakes or through chatty tweets. they are showing a side of life in isis really designed to recruit women to the group and also to present this broader image of the group as being a state building exercise. >> these women are being used to kind of convey a message like a utopia. you join like i did and you're going to find that your life is heaven like? >> isis made a deliberate call
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to women to come and partake in state building. some of these women may be going in sort of terms of having been coerced or tricked. it's important to remember they're not just being used by isis. women are making very strong decisions to join the group. in a moment we'll get back to our coverage of that major winter storm dumping snow across the midwest and heading east. live picture of a snowy chicago. next we'll find out how much this snow is impacting air travel. but to get from the old way to the new you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today.
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and stay ready for everything that is still to come.
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all right. hello. thanks again for joining me. another massive winter storm bearing down on the midwest and barrelling eastward. 100 million people in 18 states are bracing for this winter wallop. watches and warnings extend from massachusetts as it takes aim at metro areas dead center is chicago. live pictures of a very snowy chicago. the majors of chicago and new york calling press conferences to address the impending storm and brief the public on
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preparations in boston. officials are already cancelling school for tomorrow. new york's mayor says schools won't be open. the storm has forced cancellations of more than 2,000 flights. sarah is tracking that for us from la guardia in new york. sarah, how are people doing there? >> reporter: this is still pretty busy airport here at la guardia. between today and tomorrow 4,000 flight cancellations. today about 1700 delays. if you take a look at the board most of those cancellations are coming from boston. the boston area and the flights that would have been used to go onto other cities we're starting to see the cancellations trickle in. the delays too. if you look nationwide the most cancellations right now are coming from chicago o'hare chicago midway and then detroit. you see that the cancellations are moving along with the storm which means that more cancellations are expected today
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and tomorrow in the northeast area. that's the air commute. let's talk about the road commute for a second because it's going to really start to pick up here the precipitation will pick up at the time the super bowl is ending. that means road conditions can be very messy, slushy for people living super bowl parties to go home. also a messy commute for the monday morning commute. while the temperature will hover around freezing that could mean vacillation between now and rain and at times freezing rain. by the time they leave work tomorrow the temperature will drop down to about 25 degrees in new york. that could mean ice. the governor of new york the mayor of new york city urging people to be careful on the streets. as you mentioned, school still open tomorrow for now in new
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york, new york city area. the mayor saying because they will keep an eye on that forecast and how it might change overnight, check in the morning and base your commute on common sense, what you see on the roads and also how much snowfalls overnight. fred. still to come super bowl xlix just about here. andy is live from glendale, arizona.
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you have four minutes. it's a competition. >> ricardo is making math count for these students. >> my hope is to bring awareness to the students. you can do whatever you want through education. >> his first job wasn't in classroom, it was on a football field playing for the detroit lions. >> my mission was to get to college and start in the nfl and move onto something more meaningful for me which is providing opportunities to kids
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that do not know. >> reporter: helping him do just that is teach for america. program offers free classroom training to college graduates and professionals from various backgrounds. in exchange they teach in an underserved school for two years. >> they are not achieving as well as their more affluent counterparts. was my mom. i feel like i can do that for the kids. all they need was one personing telling them they can do it and
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be successful. >> all right. that's quite the inspiration. are you ready for the football game? you don't have long to wait. super bowl sunday is here. can the patriots survive deflate-gate. andy is in glendale for us. we know you're ready for the game. >> reporter: you have bands playing behind me. a great day. a perfect match up on paper. that's never happened in the history of the soup. that's how close and great they expect the game to be. russell wilson is looking to win his second super bowl in the first three years in the nfl. when you think about the best quarterbacks in the league you think aaron rodgers, ben
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roethlisberger. he's won every single game. he's a perfect 10-0. he says he's able to play his best in the big games because of his cool demeanor. >> i don't feel it. there's no pressure for me. my dad was sick and he was about to pass away that's pressure on my mom. that's pressure. that's real life pressure. i get to play the game of football because i love it. >> reporter: good luck. right now the cheapest ticket on the website stub hub is going for about $10,000. >> ridiculous. >> reporter: $10,000. it's on pace to be the most expensive ticket in sports history. that's how hyped this game is now.
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according to the website an estimated $10 billion is expected to be wagered on the super bowl worldwide. you can bet on what will katy perry will wearing. you can bet on will bill belichick be caught smiling on the sidelines. lots of fun stuff to bet on for this game. >> you might as well have a little fun people. it's football afterall. all right. thank you so much. appreciate it. have fun. there's something a little different this year's soup. a message to fans from the faa. >> going to the big game. have fun. cheer your team and keep it in a no drone zone. don't spoil the game. leave your drone at home. >> interesting. the faa airing this commercial in phoenix. all aircraft includes drones
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will not be allowed within 30 miles of the stadium during the game. we'll be right back. ctive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. i've been called a control freak... i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro.
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con strantsly maintained
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their innocence and the daughter of whitney houston is in madically induced coma. doctors placed her in that emergency treatment saturday. police say brown's husband found the 21-year-old face down in a bathtub full of water. they also say brown's heart was not beating and she was not breathing at the time. her father issued statement in the last hour requesting privacy for the family. another massive winter storm is brewing. in chicago a blizzard warning is in affect. mayor ram emmanuel expressed concern today. new york mayor spoke saying a winter watch will start at 7:00 p.m. eastern time today.
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startling stats from the cdc. the number of measle cases in january is surpassing the number of cases usually seen in one year. as of thursday 84 measles cases had been reported in 14 states. the average number of measles cases a year from 2001 to 2010 was only 60. at the center of the controversy, parents deciding not to vaccinate their kids. it's a choice one father says could kill his son. here is dan simon. >> reporter: 6-year-old red is not vaccinated for measles or anything else. he's been battling leukemia. he's in remission now. a thousands doses of chemo weakened his immune systems. >> the vaccinations he had are
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wiped out by the chemotherapy. they have to wait until his im immune system is strong enough to revaccinate him. >> reporter: they want the school to bar any children who have not been vaccinated. i would decrease his chances of getting the measles which could lead to death according to his doctor. >> this is not just about rhett. this is about all kids that have immune dysfunction whether from chemotherapy or underlining syndrome. >> instead of waiting for an outbreak or reacting let's get ahead and avoid having that outbreak in the first place. >> reporter: here in california and other states there are exemptions that allow parents to opt out of vaccines and send their kids to school. >> are your children vaccinated? >> for the most part. >> reporter: tracy has kids at rhett's school.
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she did get them vaccinated for measles but not everything else. she doesn't believe in forced immu anizations. >> we live here in a liberal place in the county. it's a well educated group of people. it's a thoughtful group of people. i think if parents are choosing not to vaccinate it's probably for a reason. >> reporter: the numbers are not trivial. more than 6% of kindergarteners have personal belief exemptions. in a statement provided to cnn, the school district tells us california law protects the rights of parents to refuse to vaccinate their children and in doing so prohibits schools from excludeing the children from school unless there's an active outbreak. rhett's parents can see they're on the losing side of the battle but still hopes some good comes from it. >> what we're trying to raise
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immu anization rates. >> reporter: they don't want to worry about their son suffering from a horrible disease. they know it's unlikely that anything will happen but they're glad to be triggering this national conversation. we're back in a minute. here is cnn's ones to watch. >> home to 7.99 million residents and counting. he has a master plan to reintroduce tropical green beauty to the sprawl of vietnam's overcrowded cities. he's being chosen by international architect, showing great promise. we just have one square meter.
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for example, hong kong have more than 50 square meters. >> that's so depressing. it's hard to believe that in the '70s there was a time when people thought that cutting down trees in city was a way to get among the city. >> reporter: hidden from the street this is his house for trees. five individual rooms which double as huge plant pods with trees on top. by separating the bathroom bedroom, living space and meditation room the building compels the occupants to pass through the canopy of trees outside. >> some of them we just make a question. that is how many victory can we give back to our earth so that the question and the answer is really simple.
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huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today!
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most of us can't imagine the challenges wounded troops face when they come home. the pentagon made plans to cut the budget for a program to help vets manage it all. some were panic stricken. here is cnn jake tapper. >> initially it just bored my legs. i can still see my kneecaps without any flesh on them. i had tourniquets on my vest and started pulling them off an putting them on. >> reporter: when adam lost his legs to an explosive in 2013 he tied his own tourniquet to stop the bleeding hoping the save his own life. in the months since he's returned he's been under the care of doctors as well as his
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parents working in tandem to help him rebuild his strength and spirit. >> that looks good. >> just having my dad there and keep my calm. that was vital. >> reporter: his parents served as his non-medical attendants or mms mmas. those are the terms for the cake takers. they are sometimes family members but not always. they hope to steer the wounded warriors to as much independence as possible. it's challenge the so much has to be relearned. >> as a non-medical attendant my yob is
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job is to be with my son 24/7. our lives were changed forever. >> reporter: the u.s. government has provided a per diem for mmas to help offset the cost of care giving and lost income. it's not much but helps. reimbursement for lodging, food gas, basic necessities. >> not only did he lose his legs but you have to worry about is my house going to be here that's a double whammy. >> reporter: weeks ago the obama administration issued a rule to cut the funds significantly. in november the defensepartment of defense implemented a budget cut slashing rates for military personnel from 100% to 55% after six months of travel. for those who lost limbs or sustained brain injuries in battle six months is usually just the beginning. >> where would we be? where will i be?
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where would a lot of these parents that i've seen weeping in hallways at walter reed? >> reporter: it's not as if they don't face enough challenges wounds visible and not so. >> you need to talk to somebody. you need to communicate. >> reporter: one wounded warrior concerned that the budget cut would cost him his care gaver and risk his recovery reached tout cnn. we contacted the pentagon and demanded why the crucial funds were being cut. >> when we issued this policy change it was to help discourage long lengthy, temporary travel and to save money. >> reporter: to its tremendous credit the pentagon acknowledged the problem and fixed it immediately. >> we want to thank you jake and cnn for bringing to our attention. we had not seen this consequence of what was in every other respect a very sound and
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judicious final policy. we were able to get it changes within the week. >> reporter: after 21 surgeries, he made great strides in regaining miss independence. he's out of hospital and dating. now with these funds restored families like his will be able to continue the journey back from battle together. jake tapper cnn, washington. >> nice work and nice relief. the next hour of the cnn newsroom starts now. hi, everyone. i'm poppy harlow in new york. super bowl sunday could be one for the report books, for the game and another dangerous winter storm that's already within hours will affect as many as 100 million people